For our consultancy services we make a distinction between Technical Consultancy and Business Consultancy.
Below you will find a brief overview of a number of key concepts with which we can be of service to you.
The sector in which we have been working in recent years has only enriched the other sectors.
The experiences we have gained and the core concepts we have applied in the rail sector can easily be applied to any sector with its own elements.
Technical Consultancy
Catenary / overhead lines is our technical expertise, we have over 9 years of experience in this field.
Catenary design, writing and checking specifications, choice of materials, regulations, work plans and supervision are some of the activities in which the clients are very satisfied with our products and services.
Calculations and total designs of return cables, grounding and protective cables in tunnels and under viaducts for overhead line supports, mesh windows, etc.
Not complete, but a good insight and experience with Electrotechnical Regulations, including substations, switching stations, power plans, switching diagrams, voltage locks, etc.
‘Sustainable materials for overhead line supporting structures’ was a project for ProRail.
This is the first complete report on sustainability and overhead line constructions.
We have built complete overhead line departments from scratch and automated them into efficient, well-functioning departments that comply with the recognition procedures of ProRail.
Creating a complete mechanical engineering department for any sector is, for us, work in which we serve you with passion and fulfilment.
Company Consultancy
Market Management with concrete short- and long-term strategic goals. SMART approach with desired marketer roles such as; Hunter, Farmer, Bird Watcher.
So you can get much more out of the seminars, trade fairs and networking events.
We present complete packages of the workshop “Customer Focus for Technicians” at your company, and we ensure that there is structure and culture in your marketing behaviour.
Innovation Management is the sweet word nowadays. As technicians, innovation is an element to be proud of. This is very closely linked to market management, which means “value innovation”. Value innovation is a necessity. Value innovation only occurs when companies tailor innovation to customer value, price and cost position.
Supervising an innovation is a profession in itself with calculated enthusiasm. Here we can guide your company and specifically search for value innovation internally and externally.
Sustainability policy can still be a grey area for your company, but it is very nicely connected to market management and value innovation. Numerous books have been written about it in recent years.
Per sector, sustainability policies has common ground with other sectors, fortunately there is a clear dynamic structure. You can simply implement this structure and culture in your business operations.
With “NEN ISO 140001 Environmental Management System you can take your business operations a step further towards an environmentally conscious culture. Think of “sustainable purchasing”.
With the CO2 performance ladder your company can receive discounts for tenders.
Eco-efficiency, means economic profit through ecological actions. There is certainly an economic gain to be achieved through your sustainability policy. Just think of simple actions such as double-sided printing or changing your standard font. With a simple calculation you can see what your profit is per year. This profit can be collected immediately due to savings on paper and ink.
We will be happy to guide you in your sustainability policy so that a lasting culture is created in your company. With which you can proudly observe your growth and your contribution to a higher purpose.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/MVO), this makes us very proud and enthusiastic.
CSR means immediate emotional and financial gain. “Best employer award” is this something for you?
With “NEN ISO 26000 Social Responsibility for Organizations” you can take your business operations a step higher. With this we can assure you that you can achieve immediate profit, for example by reducing absenteeism due to illness.
CSR efforts, will not yet offer discounts for tenders.
However, there is a CSR performance ladder. CSR efforts are increasingly appreciated by clients in selection and award criteria.
We will be happy to guide you in your CSR policy so that a lasting culture is created within your company.
With which you can proudly observe your growth and your contribution to a higher purpose.